Local Alerts

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Two of our neighboring school districts recently sent out alerts to their parents and communities. We wanted you to be aware of them as well.

From Lake Orion

It was brought to our attention this week that multiple students are talking about a new Netflix series that was released on March 31st called 13 Reasons Why.  This series is based on a novel by Jay Asher. This series is rated MA for mature audiences only. The story line covers very deep issues surrounding the suicide of a high school student. Please be sure to touch base with your child(ren) if you hear them referencing this show. Although we respect and recognize that it is completely your decision on what your children watch, we wanted you to be aware of this current trend. As always, it is our intention to make sure students who may be exposed to material beyond their maturity level are supported emotionally and mentally. 

From Goodrich

This letter is sent to make you aware of two situations that have occurred today. In the Kearsley Community School District, a high school student witnessed a man in a vehicle calling kids inappropriate names. The student described him as a white, older male. The truck is a black, Chevrolet S-10 with oversized tires and an antenna that has a red ball on top.  Genesee Township police were notified and are investigating.

In Richfield Township, a fourth grade student said a man driving a black truck pulled up to her as she was waiting for the bus this morning in the Tiger Run subdivision. The man, described as an older man with brown hair, a “clean-shaved” beard, and wearing sunglasses, rolled down his window as if to say something to her.  The bus appeared at that moment and the man drove off. Richfield Township police are investigating this situation.

Please remind your children of the importance of being aware of their surroundings and review with them what they should do in case they are approached by a stranger. As always, if you see any suspicious activity, please call 911 and report it immediately.

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