Early Childhood & Preschool

209 Varsity Drive
Ortonville, MI 48462

Director of Early Childhood Education: Chrissandra Padilla
Full Day: 8:15AM - 3:15AM
Half Day: 8:15AM - 11:15AM or 12:15PM - 3:15PM
Late Start Wednesdays: 11:15AM - 3:15PM
Administrative Secretary: Mary Miron
(248) 627-1865
Fax: (248) 627-4752

Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education - Serves as an integrated model for Oakland County and Michigan to meet the needs of students 2 1/2 to 5 years old.
Early On services - Meet the needs of children ages Zero to 3 in a primary service providers model in families homes with occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists and special education teachers to support development. 
Early Childhood Playgroup - Free play group for children Zero to 5 years of age one day per week for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Call 248-627-1855 for more information. Click here for the present flyer with details of times and dates. 

Early On Michigan offers early intervention services for infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, with developmental delay(s) and/or disabilities, and their families.

Research has shown that by addressing delays early on - especially between birth and age 3 - we can more effectively impact a child's development, even into adulthood.

If you think your infant or toddler may have a developmental delay, contact Early On at 1-800-Early-On or call Brandon School District-Special Education Department at 248-627-1855. 


What is Early On?

Early On is Michigan's system for helping infants and toddlers, birth to age 3 and their families who have developmental delays or are at risk for delays due to certain health conditions. It's designed to help families find the social, health, and educational services that will promote the development of their infants and toddlers with special needs.

Early On emphasizes early identification and early referral to enhance the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities, to minimize their potential for delay, and to recognize the significant brain development that occurs during a child's first three years of life. 

"The goal of early intervention is "To enable young children to be active and successful participants in the early childhood years and in the future in a variety of settings..."



If that little voice inside your head is telling you that something “isn’t quite right” with your baby or toddler, don’t wait to reach out for help. The first years of a child’s life are too important to let slip by, waiting to see if your little one “outgrows” your concern; put your mind at ease, and give your child the help he or she may need. 

Early On® Oakland coordinates services for families with children birth to three years who have a developmental delay or health condition. Your Service Coordinator will help you identify activities, programs and other supports to connect your child and family to what you need. 

Call Early On® Oakland at: 248.209.2084 or 866.456.2084