High School Counseling

1025 S Ortonville Road
Ortonville, MI 48462

Counselor A-G: Ryan Belluomo
Counselor H-N: Jonah Conner
Counselor O-Z: Linda Eland

Secretary: Erica Danta

Phone: (248) 627-1820 Opt 4
Fax: (248) 627-5628


College and Career Information


Xello (formerly Career Cruising) is a one-stop-shop for career and college information. You'll have access to thousands of career profiles, interviews with real employees, career demand, core tasks, and working conditions. Although you'll complete several Xello activities each year as a graduation requirement, we strongly encourage you to do some exploring on your own!

COVID-19 and Standardized Testing

College and Career Links

Career Outlook